Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Now we wait....

this is how i clean my hair. that's right, i haven't used shampoo in 2 months. more info here: why go shampoo free? i also treat my scalp with vinegar about once a week because it's dry.
I am trying to reduce buying packaging and plastic when its not necessary, so i found these bar soaps at http://thecountryway.ca/... info on the brand   here. These 4 bars only cost me about 6 bucks and will last me at least a month each (two people using them). I still buy Damien a liquid soap in a plastic bottle because its tear free and makes bubbles for him, but it is 99% natural. Once he's a little older I'll switch him to bars.
 Did some more pricing today, might need some chicken wire for the garden, not sure yet
 We checked out The Country Store and Home Depot and it looks like Home Depot had  more of what I was looking for. Organic compost, singular wooden stakes for my tomatoes, beans etc. and mid-range pricing on nice looking garden tools. (Also a charcoal bbq Evan was eyeing up)
 Based on this blog post, Evan and I bought a tarp (11.5 x15.5 ft) and taped garbage bags to the bottom (which we'll probably have to fix on a less WINDY day, sheesh) to kill the grass in preparation for the garden.
 then we pegged it down and threw some rocks on for good measure. hopefully in a month the grass is dead. I am going to reuse this tarp to do the same thing in other places where there are thorny vines and stuff in my yard. The busy person's way to prep your yard for landscaping haha.
right next to the compost to easily throw in weeds from the garden
Evan is getting excited about it too!

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